Children’s Shopping

The Children’s Shopping Tour is a long running signature project where we families during the holiday season.


The Redford Jaycees developed and lead the Community Emergency Response Team with more than 80 active members.

Angel’s Night

Each year, we host 1,500+ kids in the community for Angel’s Night to provide a safe place  to trick-or-treat.

Ashcroft Garden

Since 2012, the Redford Jaycees have helped to provide more than 4,500 pounds of fresh produce to the Food Pantry.  

Kindness Rally

The Kindness Rally provides a fun way to inspire others to be kind while combating negativity with positive acts.

Sponsor A Member

Give the gift of membership! Jaycees find they have a definite advantage in life because of their involvement in activities.


Click this link to join the Redford Jaycees. Membership options include annual dues of $80.00 or an affordable $8.00/month.

Complete your application and submit your payment through PayPal to be on your way to becoming a member of the leading organization for active young people.

